Anxiety Relief


Laveeta Anxiety Relief is a natural way to relieve symptoms of mild anticipatory anxiety, panic attacks and nervousness.

Category: SKU: V1668-1


There are certain situations that can trigger anxiety. Whether it’s anticipating an upcoming event like a doctor’s visit, starting a new job, giving a presentation, or experiencing a general sense of unease without an obvious cause, anxiety can manifest in various ways. Common symptoms may include feeling nervous, tense, or restless, a sense of impending danger, or even panic attacks.

In such circumstances, Laveeta Anxiety Relief can provide a calming effect, soothing the nerves and mind, allowing you to navigate through life with confidence.

Laveeta Anxiety Relief is all-natural, non-drowsy complex, which does not have any known interactions with either supplements or medications. It is free from artificial sweeteners, flavours, colours, preservatives and gluten.

It is suitable for ages 16 and up.



Add 20 drops to a bottle of water (500 – 600ml), shake the bottle and sip throughout the day.

As the symptoms improve reduce the frequency of doses, and take as needed.


Keep bottle away from mobile phones for maximum efficacy.

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