The Laveeta story

Hello, I’m Irena, the creator of Laveeta. The road to this point was not easy or straightforward, but I am thrilled to be here. How did I get here and what motivated me?

Let me share a story with you – a story of my journey to a place I never expected to find myself in and of the birth of Laveeta.

When I was in my twenties, the world of natural healing was worlds away. My life seemed set on a predictable course. I was navigating the world of IT, happily married, and a proud mum to a beautiful baby boy. Life was good, stable, and seemingly all planned out. But sometimes, life has a way of surprising us, revealing paths we never expected to walk.

My world was turned upside down when my son, at just 18 months old, was diagnosed with Type I diabetes. The standard answer was insulin injections, a lifetime reliance on conventional pharmaceuticals, with all the side effects and complications that might bring later on. Seeking hope, I asked his specialist if there could ever be a different future, one with less reliance on these treatments and better health outcomes. The answer was crushing: “don’t have false hopes.”

That moment changed everything for me. This moment ignited a spark in me, a profound determination to explore natural and alternative ways to enhance my son’s health and vitality. I immersed myself in the vast, unknown world of alternative medicine. I was determined to explore every avenue to improve my son’s health and secure a better future for him.

I sought wisdom from practitioners of all kinds – herbalists, naturopaths, Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, energy healers and more, but relying on others’ knowledge wasn’t enough. I needed to understand, to learn, and to take control of my son’s health. Thus, my journey into naturopathy and homeopathy began.

Me and my son at the beginning of our journey. The little boy who changed my life in so many ways and continues to inspire me every day.

Over two decades of learning and practicing, my mission grew clearer. My son’s health was always my priority, but I didn’t stop there. My passion evolved into helping others discover the powerful potential of natural healing.

And so Laveeta was born – a company dedicated to crafting all-natural products that work with your body’s innate healing abilities to promote complete physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Our formulas harness the power of nature and ancient wisdom to help you achieve optimal health naturally.

Why not join us on this remarkable journey? Discovery the transformative power of Laveeta products and embrace a path to wellness that’s all natural!

P.S. And if you’re wondering about my son, he’s all grown up now—healthy, happy, and thriving. He is active in sports, loves his work, and enjoys life to the fullest. His insulin dose keeps decreasing. And our journey of hope, determination, and healing continues.

All-natural Laveeta Products

Laveeta products are made from 100% natural substances – herbs, minerals, and other natural ingredients. The formulations combine the principles of Western Herbalism and Homeopathy, drawing from centuries of traditional wisdom. Over 20 years of clinical practice, these formulations have been meticulously created, developed, and refined. Laveeta products work synergistically with your body’s natural processes to restore balance and promote health gently and naturally.

How our products are made

The natural ingredients in Laveeta’s formulas undergo a specialized preparation process. This involves using a homeopathic approach – diluting the active components to minutely small quantities and vigorously agitating them. This process, called potentization, enhances the therapeutic potential of these natural substances while reducing the risk of overdosing or adverse interactions with other medications.

Benefits of Choosing Laveeta

  • 100% natural formulations – no artificial additives
  • Gluten-free and vegan
  • No known interactions with any medications
  • Convenient, easy-to-take formulations
  • Rooted in traditional herbal and homeopathic practices

Laveeta products are designed to support your journey towards optimal health and well-being by providing a gentle, natural approach and working harmoniously with your body.